Welcome to your fundamental 5 year plan. As a basic guide with prompts to get you thinking, simply fill in each category with your own ideas. Happy planning!

Goals ✍︎


What do you want your professional life to look like? Will you still have the same job? Will you work hard to get that promotion? How would change improve your life?


Be honest…what do your current savings look like? How can you increase your income and improve your budget? How much do you want to make/save in the next 5 years?


Are you happy with where you currently live? How could you improve your daily experience in your space? Are there any home projects you’ve been putting off?


How strong are your current relationships? Are you satisfied with your platonic and romantic connections? Do you have plans to get married/start a family?


What hobbies do you want to pick up in the next 5 years? Do you feel creatively fulfilled by your current career/interests? Some ideas include knitting, yoga, pottery, etc.

Mission Statement ☆

“This is the statement that describes your life 5 years from now.”

Vision Board ♡

Fall 2024 Moodboard.png
